Monday, April 18, 2011

A Little Lullaby

Our earth's place where joy and pain
Co-exist in the hearts of us-poor people
But dear! I know another world
Where there are no brawls and no miseries
Where you are left free like a fawn
Embraced only by nature and by heavens
And you will be showered with all of the love
You'd ever wanted and you'd ever need
In pay only of your smiles

Yes dear! It's that world of dreams
Dreams that come true and dreams that take you
To the edge of our universe
It's a peaceful and tranquil place
Like that of our own shoon
That you can walk through and feel the delight
You've heard of it before
But today you'll discover yourself
Places neither I nor you've ever known

Forget everything around.
Yes me and you too

Let this lull ring in your heart
While your mind seeps into peace
Heavens are open now. Sleep well angel!!!

1 comment:

  1. nice 1 sai..
    forget everything around!!
    heavens are open now..sleep well..
