Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Shall see you ....!!!

When my eyes wide open, and flows near, a bunch of images not to say-never can catch - never to return, to the unforgettable past, the colours that i had never known before and those you had
Black in its purest form in your eyes,
Fair- the clearest and flawless on your pretty face,
And red voluptuous lips - I've never seen better strawberries,
Hairs brown and soft just as sprouting leaves
Yellow silk attire on you glows as it feels your touch
Pink nails and green nerves on your tender hands
Round silvery rings on thin and curvy ears
And more yet say and more yet to praise
Still flow here the moments of the dawn and dusk
Before my eyes-oh my angel! you have left me
With all those tears I'm counting yet
I shall pour on you, ever again if that moment comes
The of elixer of love, the moment comes ever - I see thee!!!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

An Interview with Steve Jobs...

S .Jobs --- Virtual Interview

Intervr : How can a company grow ?

Jobs : The sole aim of a company should not be selling goods and make profits. It should gain confidence of public. Future of a company lies in customer satisfaction. It's not everything on that we should give but all that we've said. Our word matters. You shouldn't be making a product that just sells like hotcakes. But that which wins hearts.Growth of the company, hence its success depends on what we deliver and that delivered is on par with the ideal set.

Intervr : Whats so special in the ad campaign of Apple?

Jobs : We never compare things to what others make. Instead we try to make the best of ourselves. We never said iPhone is the best on earth. But that what we made now is the best iPhone ever. And we shall continue the tradition. Things stand in this wold only when they get better.
Intervr : What do you say about Flash? Why can't an i-product get support for flash?

Jobs : We wanted to give our customers real value for what they spend. Not merely gadget that first occupies pockets and later sits in cupboards. But something which one WORKS. And that which works FINE. At Adobe, people are lazy. They never make things better. Result : Flash eats up ram and kills hardware. Something which can really work for days will give a couple of hours and can help no more. And so Flash is outdated. We use technologies for tomorrow in our products.
In short:

Like Midas touch, what jobs lits catches up wild fire. Other corporates can never understand whats meant by setting a trend. They make thing that compete with others. What apple makes is that which starts the competition and perhaps end it.