Sunday, February 21, 2010

Airtel App Store !!!

There isn't any research analysis going in here for the topic chosen. But one thing I shuld look at- how much we copy and how successful it's going to be? We all know this piece of idea is from the giant App(le) store. If we just look at the past always we were( and are) crazy about things from the west. Be it the cuisine or fashion or the language( which we call we're cool with those). I forgot- the movies ( counting the number of "inspired from" movies ...long list !!). May be it's true or may be not. It all depends on individual.

And about the app store :
This idea is actually going to work in India.
Reason : Apps are going to be indigenous and more related to our context.

Above all, the mobile freedom we have in India- I salute. In this we are way too far from the jailed westerners with freaky plans to choose from. The technology we imported from the west is still western but I think it's almost forgotten. Nokia (Finnish giant) became an Indian company! People just love 1100 and others. And so the store idea. It'll be a flagship store of Airtel.
Here it is : have a look at it

This post is dedicated to the geeks of India ( we do have a few :) ) .

Leaves start shedding... ...

I should start by telling a story about a tree and a leaf of its.

One day the tree finds that the first leaf is about to shed for the season. It remembers how green, how lively it used to be but now its almost dry and weak, and dying. The leaf sees her mother weeping, for it's going to part forever. The leaf is in vain , no one to care and nothing to fare. But hope is, what people say, never to be lost. And alas! The leaf sheds. It found a new companion. Wind. The travel has started for never to end. It finds all along, many friends- dust, droplets, insects. Lost life has given it a way to serve.

So friends the non sequitur moral from the story is:
Let the waves build, the tide will be higher.

One question : What for this story and moral are here ?
Answer: I don't know. I just wanted to look cool by putting something philosophical or something which holds no meaning and almost nothing can be inferred from what's said but still seems knowledgeable.
There are no reasons you should give a damn to this. Now come on. Don't know how many movies we watch, which present things superfluously, waste more time on trying to look cool than to really be cool.
So whatever it is- the leaves are shedding. Pick those up, put them in the bin. And please your invaluable comments - after you read these, throwing one isn't tougher.

"This blog is dedicated to the great copycats of India- for they have created a whole new western world here."